Azure Regions
Understanding Regions is not as easy as one might initally assume. Understanding regions is crucial for a good cloud design and architecture.
Here is a nice Infrastructure Map. According to the azure global-infrastructure we have geography in which there are regions which is a set of data centers:
- An Azure geography typically contains at least one or more regions, that preserves data residency and compliance boundaries.
- An Azure region has a discrete pricing and service availability and is a set of data centers, deployed within a latency-defined perimeter and connected through a dedicated regional low-latency network.
- Azure data centers are unique physical buildings located all over the globe that house a group of networked computer servers.
Aside from this there are multiple names for a region and location, logical and physical locations, different interpretations of geography and IP-Ranges are categorized in Service Tags.
Geography and Regions
The following command shows us all available regions:
az account list-locations -o table
All Regions
DisplayName | Name | RegionalDisplayName |
East US | eastus | (US) East US |
East US 2 | eastus2 | (US) East US 2 |
South Central US | southcentralus | (US) South Central US |
West US 2 | westus2 | (US) West US 2 |
West US 3 | westus3 | (US) West US 3 |
Australia East | australiaeast | (Asia Pacific) Australia East |
Southeast Asia | southeastasia | (Asia Pacific) Southeast Asia |
North Europe | northeurope | (Europe) North Europe |
Sweden Central | swedencentral | (Europe) Sweden Central |
UK South | uksouth | (Europe) UK South |
West Europe | westeurope | (Europe) West Europe |
Central US | centralus | (US) Central US |
North Central US | northcentralus | (US) North Central US |
West US | westus | (US) West US |
South Africa North | southafricanorth | (Africa) South Africa North |
Central India | centralindia | (Asia Pacific) Central India |
East Asia | eastasia | (Asia Pacific) East Asia |
Japan East | japaneast | (Asia Pacific) Japan East |
Jio India West | jioindiawest | (Asia Pacific) Jio India West |
Korea Central | koreacentral | (Asia Pacific) Korea Central |
Canada Central | canadacentral | (Canada) Canada Central |
France Central | francecentral | (Europe) France Central |
Germany West Central | germanywestcentral | (Europe) Germany West Central |
Norway East | norwayeast | (Europe) Norway East |
Switzerland North | switzerlandnorth | (Europe) Switzerland North |
UAE North | uaenorth | (Middle East) UAE North |
Brazil South | brazilsouth | (South America) Brazil South |
Central US (Stage) | centralusstage | (US) Central US (Stage) |
East US (Stage) | eastusstage | (US) East US (Stage) |
East US 2 (Stage) | eastus2stage | (US) East US 2 (Stage) |
North Central US (Stage) | northcentralusstage | (US) North Central US (Stage) |
South Central US (Stage) | southcentralusstage | (US) South Central US (Stage) |
West US (Stage) | westusstage | (US) West US (Stage) |
West US 2 (Stage) | westus2stage | (US) West US 2 (Stage) |
Asia | asia | Asia |
Asia Pacific | asiapacific | Asia Pacific |
Australia | australia | Australia |
Brazil | brazil | Brazil |
Canada | canada | Canada |
Europe | europe | Europe |
France | france | France |
Germany | germany | Germany |
Global | global | Global |
India | india | India |
Japan | japan | Japan |
Korea | korea | Korea |
Norway | norway | Norway |
South Africa | southafrica | South Africa |
Switzerland | switzerland | Switzerland |
United Arab Emirates | uae | United Arab Emirates |
United Kingdom | uk | United Kingdom |
United States | unitedstates | United States |
East Asia (Stage) | eastasiastage | (Asia Pacific) East Asia (Stage) |
Southeast Asia (Stage) | southeastasiastage | (Asia Pacific) Southeast Asia (Stage) |
Central US EUAP | centraluseuap | (US) Central US EUAP |
East US 2 EUAP | eastus2euap | (US) East US 2 EUAP |
West Central US | westcentralus | (US) West Central US |
South Africa West | southafricawest | (Africa) South Africa West |
Australia Central | australiacentral | (Asia Pacific) Australia Central |
Australia Central 2 | australiacentral2 | (Asia Pacific) Australia Central 2 |
Australia Southeast | australiasoutheast | (Asia Pacific) Australia Southeast |
Japan West | japanwest | (Asia Pacific) Japan West |
Jio India Central | jioindiacentral | (Asia Pacific) Jio India Central |
Korea South | koreasouth | (Asia Pacific) Korea South |
South India | southindia | (Asia Pacific) South India |
West India | westindia | (Asia Pacific) West India |
Canada East | canadaeast | (Canada) Canada East |
France South | francesouth | (Europe) France South |
Germany North | germanynorth | (Europe) Germany North |
Norway West | norwaywest | (Europe) Norway West |
Switzerland West | switzerlandwest | (Europe) Switzerland West |
UK West | ukwest | (Europe) UK West |
UAE Central | uaecentral | (Middle East) UAE Central |
Brazil Southeast | brazilsoutheast | (South America) Brazil Southeast |
We can filter all regions of a given geography e.g. Europe:
az account list-locations --query "[? contains(regionalDisplayName,'(Europe)')]" -o table
Regions in Europe
Name | DisplayName | RegionalDisplayName |
northeurope | North Europe | (Europe) North Europe |
swedencentral | Sweden Central | (Europe) Sweden Central |
uksouth | UK South | (Europe) UK South |
westeurope | West Europe | (Europe) West Europe |
francecentral | France Central | (Europe) France Central |
germanywestcentral | Germany West Central | (Europe) Germany West Central |
norwayeast | Norway East | (Europe) Norway East |
switzerlandnorth | Switzerland North | (Europe) Switzerland North |
francesouth | France South | (Europe) France South |
germanynorth | Germany North | (Europe) Germany North |
norwaywest | Norway West | (Europe) Norway West |
switzerlandwest | Switzerland West | (Europe) Switzerland West |
ukwest | UK West | (Europe) UK West |
To get an overview of all locations we can run the following command:
az account list-locations --query "[?metadata.regionType=='Physical'] .{Geography:metadata.geographyGroup, RegionName:name, PairedRegion:metadata.pairedRegion[0].name, Location:metadata.physicalLocation, lat:metadata.latitude, long:metadata.longitude}" -o table
All Locations
Geography | RegionName | PairedRegion | Location | Lat | Long |
US | eastus | westus | Virginia | 37.3719 | -79.8164 |
US | eastus2 | centralus | Virginia | 36.6681 | -78.3889 |
US | southcentralus | northcentralus | Texas | 29.4167 | -98.5 |
US | westus2 | westcentralus | Washington | 47.233 | -119.852 |
US | westus3 | eastus | Phoenix | 33.448376 | -112.074036 |
Asia Pacific | australiaeast | australiasoutheast | New South Wales | -33.86 | 151.2094 |
Asia Pacific | southeastasia | eastasia | Singapore | 1.283 | 103.833 |
Europe | northeurope | westeurope | Ireland | 53.3478 | -6.2597 |
Europe | swedencentral | swedensouth | Gävle | 60.67488 | 17.14127 |
Europe | uksouth | ukwest | London | 50.941 | -0.799 |
Europe | westeurope | northeurope | Netherlands | 52.3667 | 4.9 |
US | centralus | eastus2 | Iowa | 41.5908 | -93.6208 |
US | northcentralus | southcentralus | Illinois | 41.8819 | -87.6278 |
US | westus | eastus | California | 37.783 | -122.417 |
Africa | southafricanorth | southafricawest | Johannesburg | -25.731340 | 28.218370 |
Asia Pacific | centralindia | southindia | Pune | 18.5822 | 73.9197 |
Asia Pacific | eastasia | southeastasia | Hong Kong | 22.267 | 114.188 |
Asia Pacific | japaneast | japanwest | Tokyo, Saitama | 35.68 | 139.77 |
Asia Pacific | jioindiawest | jioindiacentral | Jamnagar | 22.470701 | 70.05773 |
Asia Pacific | koreacentral | koreasouth | Seoul | 37.5665 | 126.9780 |
Canada | canadacentral | canadaeast | Toronto | 43.653 | -79.383 |
Europe | francecentral | francesouth | Paris | 46.3772 | 2.3730 |
Europe | germanywestcentral | germanynorth | Frankfurt | 50.110924 | 8.682127 |
Europe | norwayeast | norwaywest | Norway | 59.913868 | 10.752245 |
Europe | switzerlandnorth | switzerlandwest | Zurich | 47.451542 | 8.564572 |
Middle East | uaenorth | uaecentral | Dubai | 25.266666 | 55.316666 |
South America | brazilsouth | southcentralus | Sao Paulo State | -23.55 | -46.633 |
US | centraluseuap | eastus2euap | 41.5908 | -93.6208 | |
US | eastus2euap | centraluseuap | 36.6681 | -78.3889 | |
US | westcentralus | westus2 | Wyoming | 40.890 | -110.234 |
Africa | southafricawest | southafricanorth | Cape Town | -34.075691 | 18.843266 |
Asia Pacific | australiacentral | australiacentral | Canberra | -35.3075 | 149.1244 |
Asia Pacific | australiacentral2 | australiacentral2 | Canberra | -35.3075 | 149.1244 |
Asia Pacific | australiasoutheast | australiaeast | Victoria | -37.8136 | 144.9631 |
Asia Pacific | japanwest | japaneast | Osaka | 34.6939 | 135.5022 |
Asia Pacific | jioindiacentral | jioindiawest | Nagpur | 21.146633 | 79.08886 |
Asia Pacific | koreasouth | koreacentral | Busan | 35.1796 | 129.0756 |
Asia Pacific | southindia | centralindia | Chennai | 12.9822 | 80.1636 |
Asia Pacific | westindia | southindia | Mumbai | 19.088 | 72.868 |
Canada | canadaeast | canadacentral | Quebec | 46.817 | -71.217 |
Europe | francesouth | francecentral | Marseille | 43.8345 | 2.1972 |
Europe | germanynorth | germanywestcentral | Berlin | 53.073635 | 8.806422 |
Europe | norwaywest | norwayeast | Norway | 58.969975 | 5.733107 |
Europe | switzerlandwest | switzerlandnorth | Geneva | 46.204391 | 6.143158 |
Europe | ukwest | uksouth | Cardiff | 53.427 | -3.084 |
Middle East | uaecentral | uaenorth | Abu Dhabi | 24.466667 | 54.366669 |
South America | brazilsoutheast | brazilsouth | Rio | -22.90278 | -43.2075 |
The list-locations result also has "logical" instead of physical entries which seems to include staging regions and/or location categories.
Running this command we only get logical locations:
az account list-locations --query "[?metadata.regionType=='Logical']" -o table
All logical locations
Name | DisplayName | RegionalDisplayName |
centralusstage | Central US (Stage) | (US) Central US (Stage) |
eastusstage | East US (Stage) | (US) East US (Stage) |
eastus2stage | East US 2 (Stage) | (US) East US 2 (Stage) |
northcentralusstage | North Central US (Stage) | (US) North Central US (Stage) |
southcentralusstage | South Central US (Stage) | (US) South Central US (Stage) |
westusstage | West US (Stage) | (US) West US (Stage) |
westus2stage | West US 2 (Stage) | (US) West US 2 (Stage) |
asia | Asia | Asia |
asiapacific | Asia Pacific | Asia Pacific |
australia | Australia | Australia |
brazil | Brazil | Brazil |
canada | Canada | Canada |
europe | Europe | Europe |
france | France | France |
germany | Germany | Germany |
global | Global | Global |
india | India | India |
japan | Japan | Japan |
korea | Korea | Korea |
norway | Norway | Norway |
southafrica | South Africa | South Africa |
switzerland | Switzerland | Switzerland |
uae | United Arab Emirates | United Arab Emirates |
uk | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
unitedstates | United States | United States |
eastasiastage | East Asia (Stage) | (Asia Pacific) East Asia (Stage) |
southeastasiastage | Southeast Asia (Stage) | (Asia Pacific) Southeast Asia (Stage) |
According to azure global-infrastructure
Geographies Part 1
txt Africa Asia Pacific Australia Austria Azure Government Brazil Canada Chile China Denmark Europe France Germany Greece India Indonesia Israel Italy Japan Korea Malaysia Mexico New Zealand Norway Poland Qatar Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States
The command az account list-locations | jq 'map(.metadata.geographyGroup)' | sort | uniq
returns the following unique list of geographies:
Geographies Part 2
txt Africa Asia Pacific Canada Europe Middle East null South America US
shows that not all entries have a geographyGroup defined.
Azure Public IPs
Azure Public IPs where initially categorized by service tag, service and region. The list also includes IPv6 Addresses for some services and regions.
This Documentation shows how to Allowed IP addresses and domain URLs.
Download Public IPs
Download all Public IP per service tag as a json file here:
- Azure IP Ranges and Service Tags – Public Cloud
- Azure IP Ranges and Service Tags – US Government Cloud
- Azure IP Ranges and Service Tags – Germany Cloud
- Azure IP Ranges and Service Tags – China Cloud
The files are updated every week. Here is a history of some timestamps of the shared public IPs:
Date | Public | US Gov | Germany | China |
2017-09-11 | download | N/A | N/A | N/A |
2018-01-11 | download | N/A | download | download |
2019-06-17 | download | N/A | N/A | N/A |
2020-08-24 | download | N/A | download | N/A |
2021-08-16 | download | download | download | download |
2021-09-20 | download | N/A | N/A | N/A |
2021-11-01 | download | download | download | N/A |
2022-08-10 | download | download | download | download |
2022-09-12 | download | download | download | download |
2024-06-24 | download | download | download | |
2025-01-09 | download | download | download | download |
Further (deprecated) Files
Location Names
Aside Azure Public IPs using different terms e.g. Service Tags instead of regions and different microsoft sources listing different geografy sets and associated regions there are various names and short names:
Location Names
Continent | Country | Name | Location | Short Name | Short Name (Country First) |
Africa | South Africa North | southafricanorth | sfno | sfno | |
Africa | South Africa West | southafricawest | sfwe | sfwe | |
Asia | East Asia | eastasia | eaas | asea | |
Asia | Southeast Asia | southeastasia | seas | assoea | |
Asia | Japan | Japan West | japanwest | jawe | jawe |
Asia | Japan | Japan East | japaneast | jaea | jaea |
Asia | India | South India | southindia | soin | inso |
Asia | India | Central India | centralindia | cnin | incn |
Asia | India | West India | westindia | wein | inwe |
Asia | Korea | Korea Central | koreacentral | krcn | krcn |
Asia | Korea | Korea South | koreasouth | krso | krso |
Asia | United Arab Emirates | UAE Central | uaecentral | aecn | aecn |
Asia | United Arab Emirates | UAE North | uaenorth | aeno | aeno |
Australia | Australia | Australia East | australiaeast | auea | auea |
Australia | Australia | Australia Southeast | australiasoutheast | ause | ause |
Australia | Australia | Australia Central | australiacentral | aucn | aucn |
Australia | Australia | Australia Central 2 | australiacentral2 | aucn2 | aucn3 |
Europe | North Europe | northeurope | noeu | euno | |
Europe | West Europe | westeurope | weeu | euwe | |
Europe | United Kingdom | UK South | uksouth | ukso | ukso |
Europe | United Kingdom | UK West | ukwest | ukwe | ukwe |
Europe | France | France Central | francecentral | frcn | frcn |
Europe | France | France South | francesouth | frso | frso |
Europe | Swizterland | Switzerland North | switzerlandnorth | chno | chno |
Europe | Swizterland | Switzerland West | switzerlandwest | chwe | chwe |
Europe | Germany | Germany North | germanynorth | deno | deno |
Europe | Germany | Germany West Central | germanywestcentral | dewecn | dewecn |
Europe | Norway | Norway West | norwaywest | nowe | nowe |
Europe | Norway | Norway East | norwayeast | noea | noea |
North America | United States | Central US | centralus | cnus | uscn |
North America | United States | East US | eastus | eaus | usea |
North America | United States | East US 2 | eastus2 | eaus2 | usea2 |
North America | United States | West US | westus | weus | uswe |
North America | United States | North Central US | northcentralus | nocnus | usnocn |
North America | United States | South Central US | southcentralus | socnus | ussocn |
North America | Central America | Canada Central | canadacentral | cacn | cacn |
North America | Central America | Canada East | canadaeast | caea | caea |
North America | United States | West Central US | westcentralus | wecnus | uswecn |
North America | United States | West US 2 | westus2 | weus2 | uswe2 |
South America | Brazil | Brazil South | brazilsouth | brso | brso |